Residential Supports for adults are provided for individuals 18 years of age or older and must occur in a setting, without regard to siblings, where the person does not live with someone who meets the definition of family and are provided by entities licensed by KDADS-CSP. This service provides assistance, acquisition, retention, and/or improvement in skills related to activities of daily living such as but not limited to: personal grooming, cleanliness, bed making, household chores, eating, food preparation, as well as social and adaptive skills.
Providers open for referrals may not have openings across all types of settings or locations for this service. Level of staff support available may vary depending on the type of setting or location. Please contact providers directly for current availability before making a choice.
Red flags indicate that a provider is currently not accepting referrals for the program area specified.
AbleLight, Inc. – Pam Ducklow 14150 W. 113th St., Olathe, KS 66215
Tel: (913) 906-5010 | Fax: (913) 469-5566 | Email: | Website Program: Shared Living
Bridge Builders Lawrence LLC – Denise Stahl 3101 Rimrock, Lawrence, KS 66047
Tel: (785) 550-5882 | Email: Program: Limited License
Bridge Point Community Supports – Michael Tubbs 850 E 13th St. Suite A, Lawrence, KS 66044
Tel: (785) 856-2081 | Email: | Website Program: Group Living
Cottonwood, Inc. – Jeff Whittier, 2801 W. 31st St., Lawrence, KS 66047
Tel: (785) 842-0550 | Fax: (785) 842-6102 | Email: | Website Programs: 24 Hour Support
║ Daily Support
║ Supported Independent Living
GoodLife Innovations, Inc. – Nichole Reiske, P.O. Box 14395 Lenexa, KS 66285
Tel: (913) 980-8135 | Fax: (785) 865-5695 | Email: | Website Programs: Extended Family Teaching (shared living) ║ Family Teaching Model
║ Independent Living Program
║ Neighborhood Network
Mosaic – Mark Gonzalez, 5440 West 110th Street, Suite 300, Overland Park, Kansas 66211
Tel: (913) 788-8400 | Fax: (913) 788-2257 | Email: | Website Program: Shared Living
Rising Phoenix Community Living, LLC – Sandra Yoder 402 John Doy Court, Lawrence, KS 66049
Tel: (785) 331-9323 | Fax: (785) 856-7003 | Email: Program: Group Living
Rosewood Support Services – Dr. Josh Saunders 4000 W. 6th St., Ste B #117, Lawrence, KS 66049
Tel: (785) 218-5206 | Email: Programs: 24hr support group living ║ Daily support group living
║ Semi-independent / individual living
TARC, Inc. – Eileen Doran, 2701 SW Randolph, Topeka, KS 66611
Tel: (785) 506-8710 | Fax: (785) 232-3770 | Email: | Website Program: Self-Determination
Valiant Endeavors – Dorothy Dvorachek Larsen, 5830 Lyman Ave., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Tel: (630) 426-1765 | Email: Program: Limited License
WCRF – Bob & Martha Banning 1033 College Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66049
Tel: (785) 979-8038 | Email: Program: Limited License
Weems Residential Services – Tammi Weems 14133 70th Street, Oskaloosa KS 66066
Tel: (785) 840-8461 | Email: Program: Limited License